If you come across a page on Sniply's main site that isn't loading correctly, we might ask you to send us some debugging information that will help us diagnose the problem. Here is a step-by-step guide to gathering and sending the data:
Note that these steps only apply if you are using Chrome
- Load the page that isn't showing up correctly for you
- Right click on the page and click "Inspect Element". This will bring up some debugging tools.
Along the top of the tool that just popped up, there is a menu. Click the "Network" tab, as shown in the image below:
- Refresh the page by clicking the refresh button or pressing (Cmd-R). This allows Chrome to capture the debugging information that it needs.
Wait for the page to finish loading, then right-click on any of the elements that appeared when you refreshed the page (they will look like the youtube-32.png entry in the above screenshot). Click "Copy All as HAR".
In Chrome, that option is under Copy menu.
- Email team@snip.ly, pasting the information that was copied for you.
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